PASSAGE 2021 | Daniel Fast Day 17

Описание к видео PASSAGE 2021 | Daniel Fast Day 17

Please join us in our 2021; 21 Day Daniel Fast!
Prayer Focus: Deliverance the demonic, substance, domestic, child abuse, pornographyScriptures to Read: Eph 6:10-12; II Cor 10:3-5; Jam 4:7

Fasting is abstaining from food or certain kinds of foods for a period of time in order to bring your “flesh” under subjection and shift your focus from “natural” or physical matters to “spiritual” or godly concerns. Your flesh and your mind desire to rule you but when you fast, your “spirit” will have greater control over your decisions and actions. During your fast, you are encouraged to pray, read the Word, and spend quality time in meditation, daily. Your perspective will change and your life will be enriched!


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