Keynote, Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby Association

Описание к видео Keynote, Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby Association

Подписывайтесь на наш канал здесь и в телеграмм, чтобы быть в курсе будущих митапов и не пропускать полезные доклады!

Traditionally, the author of Ruby talks about his vision of Ruby's place in the global development ecosystem and shares his plans for the future. And we, together with Evil Martians, make sure that his native Japanese language turns into familiar to us Russian!

00:05 Hello RubyRussia / こんにちは
00:52 Ruby 3.0 / Ruby 3.0 targetsのゴール
01:40 Compatibility / 互換性
08:54 Static typing / 静的型
17:55 New syntax / 新しい文法
20:13 Competition / コンカレンシー
29:05 What will happen after Ruby 3.1 / Ruby 3.1の後
32:36 Performance and microbenchmarks / 性能とマイクロベンチマーク
45:02 I have a dream / 夢がある
47:26 Grant Program / グラント・プログラム
54:49 Thanks to sponsors / スポンサーへの感謝
56:21 Goodbye! / さようなら


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