Microsoft Teams Messaging – Audio and Video Communicating and Collaborating via Microsoft Teams

Описание к видео Microsoft Teams Messaging – Audio and Video Communicating and Collaborating via Microsoft Teams

Sometimes, chatting about an issue or idea just isn’t enough – in these cases, rather than creating a scheduled meeting, just make an audio or video call! This week your OIT Training team dives into Microsoft Teams Video and Audio [for consistency should this be written Audio and Video?] calls and Messaging. We review how to make an audio and video call from a chat or post and, if no one is available, leave a voicemail message. Your voicemail is, by default, turned on, ready to use, and accessible from the Calls tab in the left rail. There are, however, a variety of settings that can help you personalize your message. Your Trainers walk through these settings and show you how to record a quick video message within a chat.

00:00 Introduction
01:17 Messaging Features
03:02 Video Calling
07:15 Voicemail Settings
12:33 Advanced Options
17:10 Video Messages
18:01 Conclusion

#utk #oit #universityoftennessee #officeofinnovativetechnologies #MSteams #teams #comunication


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