玻尿酸注射到哪一个皮层 王杭 四川大学华西口腔医院

Описание к видео 玻尿酸注射到哪一个皮层 王杭 四川大学华西口腔医院

玻尿酸注射到哪一个皮层 王杭 四川大学华西口腔医院

Which cortex is hyaluronic acid injected into
Hyaluronic acid is injected into the nose, There are two levels to choose from: one is on our periosteum, The blood vessels in our nose, It's basically located in the fascia of the back of the nose, It can be understood as the middle layer, Injection into our periosteum is a relatively safe level; Two are subcutaneous injections against our skin, At this level, when we inject, Doctors may choose two kinds of needles: one can use blunt needles, The needle is blunt. The opening is on the side, To a certain extent, Avoid sticking the needle directly into the blood vessel, Some doctors are used to sharp needles, The advantage of the traditional needle is that, It's sharp, so it ensures that the tip of the needle has reached the periosteum, This level is still a certain distance from our blood vessels, The main injection techniques are different.


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