A genre defining Horror-Comedy that will make you giggle & scream with equal ease: Deadstream

Описание к видео A genre defining Horror-Comedy that will make you giggle & scream with equal ease: Deadstream

Hi there.

today’s highly recommended film is a comedy horror that is, in all honesty, both in equal measures.

The film is called deadstream and it takes you on a journey where you see a social media celebrity guy spend the night in a haunted house while livestreaming the entire thing.

Now let me break it down a bit - the lead character of Shaun is absolutely hilarous and charming and he is the funny bit. Nothing about the rest of the film is funny at all. It is a horror fest that throws in all kinds of scares right at you and keeps you stuck on to your seat during the mayhem.

But the thing is that Joseph Winter, who is the lead actor and has also written and directed this film, is so amazing in his character, that you feel like laughing and smiling at him through this mayhem.

And after a point you are just scared for him more than anything else.

Do not enter this film thinking it is some spoofy goofy fun ride because you are gonna scream your lungs out with that attitude. This is a proper horror, gore and nightmarish ride and one that horror fans will truly enjoy.

Special mention to the chatroom dialogues and the music of this film which keep the setting deliciously light only to trop you into a wicked jump scare.

Deadstream is a rare horror comedy that works on both and will almost certainly surpass your expectations.

Check out link to see if it is playing in your country:


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