Yeter Peletat 'Am (Shabbat Song: Abridged)

Описание к видео Yeter Peletat 'Am (Shabbat Song: Abridged)

This Shabbat song was written by Hazzan Joseph ben Jeshua, a survivor of the Khmelnystki Massacres. The song was preserved in the Karaite Siddur of Vilna (Vol. 4), but its original melody has been lost. The Karaite Jews of America received a grant to revive some of these lost songs, and partnered with our community in Israel. Hazzan Rotem Cohen composed the melody, and the KJA subsequently hired a musician to add music.

Note: In this video, we mistakenly said that Rabbi Simha Lutski is a grandson of Hazzan Joseph. In fact he is a great-grandson.


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