My One and Only 只此一家 EP1

Описание к видео My One and Only 只此一家 EP1

The owner of My One and Only, Ma Limin, earns the chance to sell Mdm Ang's stilt house. Alongside her son Renpin and his wife Leia, she moves into the place and is unhappy about its interior design. She convinces the developer to let her take over the sale of a condo project, only to find her agents poached en masse. 地产公司“只此一家”的老板马丽敏击败对手Andy,成功获得客户Mdm Ang的委托,出售她的浮脚屋。丽敏和郝健的儿子仁品与妻子Leia搬入新房,但是丽敏对新房的装修诸多意见。丽敏好不容易说服发展商侯先生让她负责出售公寓项目,没想到公司里的经纪却集体跳巢...



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