大便成粘液 果冻状 甚至带有脓血 有可能是什么疾病 郭明浩 北京丰益肛肠医院

Описание к видео 大便成粘液 果冻状 甚至带有脓血 有可能是什么疾病 郭明浩 北京丰益肛肠医院

大便成粘液 果冻状 甚至带有脓血 有可能是什么疾病 郭明浩 北京丰益肛肠医院

What kind of disease might it be if the stool becomes mucoid, jelly like or even with pus blood
The patient complained of pus blood in the mucus, There are even jelly like symptoms that suggest intestinal diseases, Common diseases include colitis and Crohn's disease, The stool is mucinous, Mild colitis has mucinous stools, In severe colitis, Crohn's disease has bloody stools, Accompanied by abdominal pain, change of stool habits, etc. The bowel tumor, adenoma, malignant tumor, colon cancer and rectal cancer may have these symptoms. Infectious diseases in the gut, Granular bacillary dysentery may also have mucoid stools, Jelly like or even mucinous bloody stool these symptoms. In addition to changes in stool characteristics, intestinal infectious diseases, There may also be typical symptoms of abdominal pain and fever, The specific situation should be checked in regular hospitals, So as not to delay the diagnosis and treatment.


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