Butterfly On A Wheel (Wayne Hussey's original demo)

Описание к видео Butterfly On A Wheel (Wayne Hussey's original demo)

Here's another gem of a demo that I unearthed recently. This time it's my original demo of 'Butterfly On A Wheel'. I remember writing and recording this during the late summer of 1989 in a rented cottage in the Black Mountains on the border of Wales and England. I'd gone there in '87 to a converted monastery to write songs for the 'Children' album accompanied by an acoustic guitar, a few books, and a writing pad and pen. And my very good friend, Stevie 'Sex-Pistol' Watson, bless him. Stevie's job was to keep me in speed, ciggies, Blue Nun, Heinz Toast Toppers and a fresh Mother's Pride loaf, and to pop down to the nearest phone box every couple of days to ring the Mission office to let them know we were still alive. We didn't have a car nor a television so we made our own entertainment, by speeding, reading, talking, and walking. And writing songs.
By 1989 I was recording my demos on a 4 track TEAC tape recorder so the sound quality had improved a little from the cassette based porta-studios I'd been using previously. As with nearly all my demos, it would start with a basic drum machine pattern and then I would record guitar, bass, and sometimes keyboard parts, and, if I'd written some lyrics at this stage, with a hastily sang guide vocal. I'd then take the demos to the band who would then butcher them. Ah, don't fret, I'm only jesting.
From a Hussey demo together with Messrs Adams, Brown, & Hinkler we would transform the song into a Mission classic.
BOAW was one song where I did have some lyrics but as you can hear from this demo the song was still a work in progress although all the main guitar, bass, and keyboard parts were already in place as was the drum machine pattern. If you care about such things, the keyboard sound was a factory preset on the-then fashionable Roland D50 which we ended up keeping for the finished 'Carved In Sand' version. Anyway, here ya go, here's another from my archive. Do you have any requests as to what you might like to hear next and I'll have a root through my hard drives to see if I have a demo of it?


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