吃饱没?(Eat Already?) MV

Описание к видео 吃饱没?(Eat Already?) MV

"吃饱没” (Jiak ba buay? or Have you eaten?) is a common greeting in Singapore. It is also the title of an info-ed drama series specially created for seniors. The series is in Hokkien - a dialect many Chinese seniors are comfortable and familiar with. It premiered on Mediacorp's Channel 8, and the first season was telecast from 9 September 2016 to 11 November 2016. You can watch all 10 episodes of Season 1 here:    • 《吃饱没?》(Eat Already?) - A Dialect Dram...  

We hope you will share this catchy theme song from the series with your seniors at home. It is composed by Jim Lim, and performed together with Ric Liu and Cavin Soh! 😊

“吃饱没?” 是新加坡人常用的问候语。它也是新传媒八频道特别为年长者制作, 即将播出的资讯教育电视剧的剧名。《吃饱没? 》全剧将以年长者熟悉的福建话呈现,于每个星期五,中午12点在新传媒8频道首播。

现在就和您家里的年长者分享《吃饱没? 》主题曲的MV 吧!这首朗朗上口的电视剧主题曲是由林倛玉制作,MV由林倛玉、刘晋旭和苏梽诚一起呈现。

Producer // 制作人 - Jim Lim // 林倛玉
Lyrics by // 词 - Marcus Chin // 陈建彬
Music by // 曲 - Jim Lim // 林倛玉
Composed by // 编曲 - Jim Lim // 林倛玉
Guitar // 吉他 - Yang Xi Clement
Saxophones // 萨克斯风 - Fabian Lim
Performed by // 和音 - Ric Liu // 刘晋旭,Jim Lim // 林倛玉, Cavin Soh // 苏梽诚
Mixed by // 混音 - Jim Lim // 林倛玉
Mastered by Leonard Fong at Horus Studios


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