How much Bank Balance is required for Schengen Visa ?

Описание к видео How much Bank Balance is required for Schengen Visa ?

Bank balance for Schengen Visa

Hello friends my name is Chandra Shekher and in today's video we will talk about how much bank balance is required for getting Schengen visa? Our subscribers often ask us in the comments that how much bank balance should we show for Schengen visa. So in today's video I will try to answer all your questions regarding Schengen visa bank balance, before moving further I would request you to subscribe our you tube channel because my purpose is to provide you hundred percent genuine information . To start with I would like to tell you that I have got four Schengen visas and in the past and in last few months our clients have also got Schengen visas from Switzerland, Spain , France and Hungary . So this video is based on my research, experience and our clients experience, if you have any questions then you can contact us on the number given in the scroll, you can send us message, I will try to answer all your questions so many times I feel undue importance is given to bank balance for Schengen visa because bank balance is important to an extent because I have seen cases where bank balance was only one lakh but Schengen visa was approved because the income was regular, where the individuals were working for the reputed companies, pay slips were also there .All income sources were very reliable. Please listen carefully what is more important than bank balance? that is reliability of income sources this means the funds you are showing where they are coming from? I have observed a term being used a lot in Punjab and Haryana which is called show money, there is no point of showing money because if you are taking money just to show, embassy knows .if you just took money from someone and put it in your account for taking Schengen visa. I will also repeat it again that source of funds, source of income is very important and your ITR or income tax return is also very important. I have seen such a case in which individual had around two crores in his account but still visa was refused because income tax return was of Six Lakh (600,000) and bank balance was two crore (twenty million) and the person had also not explained it properly from where this funds have come so due to this visa was refused ,so all your documents should be synchronised, for example maths is not that hard suppose you are showing five lakh ITR and one crore bank balance so that is inconsistent otherwise you should explain from where this income has come means any capital gain or you have sold any property ,or you are investing in bit coins so you need to explain properly if you will explain ,it is ok. I would like to tell you again that do not take money for showing because there is no such thing like show money as I have told earlier in the if you are planning to apply for Schengen visa, I would say start your saving , increase your income level , if you are self-employed and your Income Tax Return is less, improve your ITR but don't use any such fake method because embassies are very smart and they can easily catch fake documents so avoid that thing you can also get banned due to this, so i would say, many a times we give undue importance to bank balance but bank balance is important only to an extent. if you ask me that how much weightage will be given to the bank balance in the whole application then I will say 10 to 15 percent and 85 percent weightage is given to many more factors . At the end I will give you a rough figure as people ask how much bank balance is needed this is only recommendation as I will not say that if you will have this balance then you will get visa. If you are applying as a single individual you should have around three lakh if you are two then five lakh if there is family of four then ten lakh. This video I have made is based on experience of, many of our clients have got their visas from Switzerland, Spain , France and Hungary .That's all in the today's video as I end this video, I will request you to subscribe our you tube channel .
Thank you very much.


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