Erich Korngold: Drei Lieder op. 22

Описание к видео Erich Korngold: Drei Lieder op. 22

Klara Kolonits (soprano) acc. Daniel Dinyes, at the 2018 Indian Summer in Levoca Festival.

The op. 22 songs were written in 1928 after the failure of Korngold's opera 'Heliane' and are written in a direct and emotional style. 'Was du mir bist' (What you are to me) is to a romantic lyric by the 19th-century poetess Eleonore van der Straaten. 'Mit dir zu schweigen' ( To be with you in silence) and 'Welt ist stille eingeschlafen' (The world has gone to sleep), to words by Karl Kobald, are similarly intimate. Klara Kolonits beautifully conveys the intense ecstasy of Korngold's ripe romanticism.


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