16.3 0029-80541 - Husky 2G OPNET – Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Introduction

Описание к видео 16.3 0029-80541 - Husky 2G OPNET – Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Introduction

16.3 0029-80541 - Husky 2G OPNET – Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Introduction

This video provides information about how to perform PMCS of the Husky 2G CAN Bus. Students will learn how to effectively use the PMCS tables provided in 0029-80546-OM Husky 2G CAN Bus Operator Manual. All terms associated with PMCS are described and as well as PMCS intervals in a text format.

It is recommended that students familiarize themselves with all the written material, if available, prior to beginning this course. Videos should be reviewed in order to remain on the recommended OPNET schedule. It is recommended videos be reviewed as many times needed to increase student’s knowledge of the task.

Upon completion of this video, student should move to the next video in this series:
16.4 0029-80541 - Husky 2G OPNET – Before PMCS Item 1 – Rear Bumper

Technical Manuals and recommended written material:
0029-80546-OM Husky 2G CAN Bus Operator Manual
0029-80547-WM VOL 1-3 Husky 2G CAN Bus Workshop Repair Manual
0029-80548-IPC Husky 2G CAN Bus Illustrated Parts Catalog
0029-80549-LO Husky 2G CAN Bus Lubrication Order
0029-80550-TB Husky 2G CAN Bus Technical Bulletin
0029-80540-OPNET Husky 2G OPNET Student and Instructor Training Material

All individuals handling this information are required to protect it from unauthorized disclosure. This information should be disseminated on and need-to-know basis via controlled media (CD, Mobile Hard Drive, paper, etc.). Do not transmit this material via any unsecure email network. This material is a product of Critical Solutions International, Inc. It is not for public use but is intended for use by authorized personnel. This information is not to be released without written authorization from Critical Solutions International, Inc. Destroy or delete this material when no longer needed.


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