NZ MIQ Quarantine meals and check-out | 14 days in 14 minutes | Kia Kaha, New Zealand. Stay safe!

Описание к видео NZ MIQ Quarantine meals and check-out | 14 days in 14 minutes | Kia Kaha, New Zealand. Stay safe!

Honestly, the food given to me during my MIQ stay in Auckland was fantastic! Watch to find out what I got to eat and let me know what you think as well.

Also just be aware that they'll remove your blue tag once you test negative on the Day 12 swab test. That means you won't be able to leave the room at all for the last two days to avoid contact with other guests before you check-out. They'll usually ring you a day before the test so be sure to go for a short walk or take a puff before going for that last test.

Food-wise I had no complaints at all. Every meal comes with a drink, dessert, and fruit. Trust me, you won't go hungry. Also, I only found out after a week that there was an online menu to choose from. Your hotel might work differently but worth giving the reception a call.

Very grateful to everyone involved in running the MIQ facility for making the stay comfortable and safe for all. With Auckland going into Level 3 and the rest of the country to Level 2, I hope everyone will do their part to stay safe and look after each other.


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