DAX Functions: ParallelPeriod() vs. SamePeriodLastYear() - Explained with Examples | MiTutorials

Описание к видео DAX Functions: ParallelPeriod() vs. SamePeriodLastYear() - Explained with Examples | MiTutorials

In this comprehensive tutorial, we delve into the world of DAX functions and shed light on the differences between two powerful time-intelligence functions: ParallelPeriod() and SamePeriodLastYear(). Whether you're an aspiring data analyst or a seasoned Power BI enthusiast, understanding these functions will elevate your data analysis capabilities to new heights.

🔍 Key Topics Covered:

Overview of ParallelPeriod() and SamePeriodLastYear() functions
Use cases and scenarios where each function is applicable
Step-by-step examples showcasing real-world data scenarios
Deep dive into the mechanics of each function and how they operate
Clear comparisons highlighting the distinctions between the two functions.

#PowerBI #DAXFunctions #DataAnalysis #Tutorial #DataVisualization #ParallelPeriod #SamePeriodLastYear #BusinessIntelligence

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