Underground passages found on Venus, scientists assume that these are alien cities

Описание к видео Underground passages found on Venus, scientists assume that these are alien cities

#space #universe #mysterious #ancient #cities #aliens #venus #life #probe #magellan #planet

Some scientists involved in ufology suggest that there are cities on Venus built by aliens. They studied photographs of the surface of Venus taken by the Magellan probe and claim that an unknown civilization once existed on the planet. Many research vehicles have visited Venus or its orbit. A number of structures on the surface and under it suggest the possibility of their construction by intelligent beings. Venus has been studied by various methods for decades. But it continues to surprise, reluctantly revealing new details of its existence. It is not easy to
study it. Temperatures of 450-500 degrees Celsius, acid rain, a greenhouse effect due to the oversaturation of the atmosphere with carbon dioxide - such is Venus! It
seems, what kind of life can exist in such conditions? And if it can, then these are only particularly viable microorganisms, but not highly organized thinking
creatures. According to our earthly logic, this is true. Nevertheless, talk about some mysterious structures on the surface of the planet and in its depths flares up
with enviable regularity...


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