How to Treat a Bitten Tongue

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Eating is hardly considered a risky behavior — but once in a while an exuberant chomp can result in a bitten tongue.

Step 1: Use ice
Suck on an ice cube or a Popsicle for several minutes.

If you're treating a child, remember that kids take their cues from you, so calm them down by acting like the injury is no big deal.

Step 2: Stop the bleeding
With the gauze or washcloth, press on the area that’s bleeding until it’s no longer bleeding.

If the bleeding doesn't stop after 15 minutes, seek medical attention.

Step 3: Rinse with salt water
Rinse and spit with salt water or a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide, two parts water.

If you have a lot of pain or the accident happens before bedtime, take a recommended dose of pain reliever.

Step 4: Let it heal
Don't eat acidic or salty foods for a day or two. And chew a little more carefully from now on!

Did You Know?
Did you know? The tongue is actually a group of several different muscles.


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