Enemy Skills by Example - Jump Attack | AI Series Part 21 | Unity Tutorial

Описание к видео Enemy Skills by Example - Jump Attack | AI Series Part 21 | Unity Tutorial

In this tutorial I show how to set up the foundation for enemies using abilities or skills and implement a basic gap-closing skill - Jump where the enemy AI will jump to the player's location then resume following.

With this foundation for abilities all skills will share some common properties such as Damage, Cooldown, and UnlockLevel. Any skill we implement can add additional properties such as MinJumpDistance and MaxJumpDistance to further restrict when a skill can be used.

In this basic example, every enemy will manage their own skills based on an array of SkillScriptableObjects and will check every frame if they can use any of their skills, and if so, they will use that ability. You can extend this to have smarter logic and more optimized logic by having some EnemySkillManager class that controls when an enemy can use a skill, but we're not looking at that in this video.

In the next couple of videos we'll take a look at some more use cases like channeled abilities, instant-cast abilities, and use-on-target-area abilities.

👨‍💻 As always, all code from this video is available on GitHub: https://github.com/llamacademy/ai-ser...

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📚 Resources
⚫ Part 1 of this subseries (AI Series 21) - YOU ARE HERE! Foundation and Jump:    • Enemy Skills by Example - Jump Attack...  
⚫ Part 2 of this subseries (AI Series 22) - Fire Breath:    • Enemy Skills by Example - Channeled F...  
⚫ Part 3 of this subseries (AI Series 23) - Ice Lance:    • Enemy Skills by Example - Instant-Cas...  
⚫ Part 4 of this subseries (AI Series 24) - Poison Gas:    • Enemy Skills by Example - AoE Poison ...  

As usual with the AI Series, we're using the NavMesh Components: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/NavMe... not the built-in navigation system.

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00:00 Introduction
01:27 Script Creation
01:45 Foundation - SkillScriptableObject.cs
05:00 Foundation - Enemy.cs Using Skills
06:19 JumpSkill.cs - Defining a Skill
12:59 EnemyScriptableObject.cs - Scaling Skills
13:35 EnemySpawner.cs - Spawning Enemies with Skills
14:10 Hooking it all up
15:02 Demo
15:42 Closing


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