BRING THE PAIN - Johnnie Jackson and Branch Warren Chest Training

Описание к видео BRING THE PAIN - Johnnie Jackson and Branch Warren Chest Training

"Its always a challenge... and thats what its all about! I throw the quote out there - BRING THE PAIN. You don't sit back and let it hurt, you grab the heaviest weight you can and MAKE IT HURT. Once you make yourself hurt then you'll make yourself grow as well!"

Johnnie Jackson and Branch Warren in this raw chest training at the Original Metroflex in Arlington, Texas.
Johnnie is gearing up for the Arnold Classic in just over 9 weeks in Columbus. One thing is certain, Johnnie will be serving up a density that cannot be grown or attained at all without the YEARS and PAIN brought on from this type of relentless training.

"Grab your popcorn." - Johnnie Jackson



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