Day 36 | XMATCH Formula | MS Excel 365 | 365 Formulas

Описание к видео Day 36 | XMATCH Formula | MS Excel 365 | 365 Formulas

In this video, we explore the XMATCH function in Microsoft Excel 365. Learn how to use XMATCH to find the relative position of a specific value in a range, just like the MATCH function, but with added flexibility and advanced capabilities. Whether you are an Excel beginner or an advanced user, this tutorial will show you how XMATCH can make your data search tasks faster and more efficient!

Key points covered:

Syntax: XMATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type], [search_mode])
Understanding exact match, approximate match, and wildcard matches.
The benefits of XMATCH over traditional MATCH (supports reverse search and more).
Real-life examples of how to use XMATCH with large data sets.
Combining XMATCH with other Excel functions like INDEX and VLOOKUP for powerful results.
This tutorial is perfect for anyone who wants to optimize their Excel workflow and improve their data analysis skills.

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