First Year Colonies: What to Do When the Bees Arrive

Описание к видео First Year Colonies: What to Do When the Bees Arrive

This video is the second of two webinars from the spring of 2020. It was designed to guide beginner beekeepers in Michigan in what to do when their bees arrive. Topics covered include nuc and package installation, troubleshooting, and general activities and priorities for the first year.

Supplemental materials:
List of recommended resources for beekeepers:
MSU Extension video on installing a nuc:    • Beginning Beekeeping: Installing a Nuc  
MSU Extension video on installing a package:    • Beginning Beekeeping: Installing a Pa...  
University of Minnesota video on installing a package:    • Hiving bees in rain and sleet  
How to open a plastic bee bus package box video:    • 2 lb. Plastic Package Bee-Bus Bee Cage  
University of Minnesota video on inspecting a new colony:    • Looking Into a New Colony  
Article on establishing a honey bee colony:
Instructions for lighting a smoker:
Recommendations for maximizing wax production:
Article on feeding honey bees:

HAVE BEEKEEPING QUESTIONS? Send your questions to the MSU Apiculture Team here:


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