Oopsy: Daisy from gen~ in Max/MSP

Описание к видео Oopsy: Daisy from gen~ in Max/MSP

I've really been looking forward to announcing this! Oopsy is a way to embed the precise flexibility of Max/MSP's gen~, from microtemporal scheduling to single-sample feedback loops, into the hands-on flexibility and performative happy accidents of modular analog and digital hardware, using Daisy-enabled devices.

- Get Oopsy from https://github.com/electro-smith/oopsy
- Get Max/MSP + gen~ from https://cycling74.com
- Get Daisy from https://www.electro-smith.com/daisy
- Oopsy on Cycling '74 forum: https://cycling74.com/forums/oopsy/
- Oopsy on the Electrosmith forum: https://forum.electro-smith.com/c/int...
- Oopsy on MW: https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/vie...
- Oopsy introduction on C74: https://cycling74.com/search/page/1?s...

Background: I got excited about Daisy hardware when I heard about the kickstarter, and backed it immediately, as I'm really fascinated by the possibility of putting the capacities of digital signal processing and control in gen~ (from microtemporal scheduling to single-sample feedback loops), into the midst of modular analog and digital hardware, with its hands-on flexibility and performative happy accidents. The folks at Electrosmith kindly sent me some other Daisy hardware, and in spare moments over the past months I put together this Oopsy package to streamline the mapping of gen~ to the Daisy hardware. It's now open sourced on the ElectoSmith Github, and I'll be continuing to add more features, hardware support (e.g. Noise Engineering's Versio), examples, and posting videos here.

- What is gen~? An open-ended domain of audio-processing inside of Max/MSP, which regenerates its optimized machine code with every edit you make, allowing a variety of things that are difficult or impossible to patch normally, like sample accurate granular scheduling and single sample feedback for complex filters. Also the code can be exported as C++ for use outside of Max for embedded devices etc. Also gen~ was kind of my PhD thesis :-)

- What is Daisy? A fantastic kickstarted DSP platform that runs in Eurorack, guitarpedals, synths, etc.-- with a few commercial users already like Noise Engineering Desmodus Versio, the QuBit Surface & Data Bender, etc.

- What does Oopsy do? It snoops your Max patch, exports and snoops and the C++ code of each gen~ it finds, and wraps that up in a bundle of code to make it work with the Daisy with some nifty mappings. So, every time you hit Ctrl-S to save, it can rebuild & upload to your Daisy hardware.

Like, subscribe, etc. etc. to hear more about it :-)

  / grrrwaaa  


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