Playing Karlson for the first time was interesting...

Описание к видео Playing Karlson for the first time was interesting...

After 2 months, a new video

Discord Server:   / discord  

Dani (the creator of this game):    / @danidev  
Karlson Demo:
Wishlist Karlson:

Music used:
E's Jammy Jams - Book Bag:    • Book Bag  
Merry Go Round from Howl's Moving Castle (tiktok cover):    • Merry Go Round from Howl's Moving Cas...  
Sonic - Can you feel the Sunshine?:    • Can you feel the Sunshine?- Sonic R (...  
Super Mario 3D World - Double Cherry Pass:    • Double Cherry Pass - Super Mario 3D W...  
Cowbell Cult feat. JOEHDAH - Smoke:    • Видео  
elijah who - hitchuwithdawork (instrumental):    • elijah who - hitchuwithdawork instrum...  
Yugo Kanno - il vento d'oro:    • il vento d'oro  
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Able Sisters Shop:    • Able Sisters Shop -  Animal Crossing:...  
AZALI - what it sounds like to have a creative block:    • what it sounds like to have a creativ...  
sam webster - Cave Digg:    • Cave Digg  
Mick Gordon - The Only Thing They Fear Is You:    • Видео  
Kristofer Maddigan - Botanic Panic:    • Botanic Panic  

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