Basic Electronics | S. Janaka | HIMT

Описание к видео Basic Electronics | S. Janaka | HIMT

This session covers the following:
1. Structure of Atoms and Electron distribution,
2. Differences between Semiconductors, conducter, and insulators,
3. Purpose of Doping,
4. Purpose of Biasing.

0:00 - 3:26 Learning Objectives
3:27 - 6:57 Atomic structure and arrangement of electrons
6:58 - 8:58 Energy Level
8:59 - 15:00 Conductor, Semiconductor & Insulator
15:01 - 16:22 Covalent Bonding
16:23 - 20:43 Doping
20:44 - 21:54 Doping Materials
21:55 - 23:53 Trivalent Impurity
23:54 - 32:27 Type of electron emission
32:28 - 41:42 P-N Junction
41:43 - 45:04 Biasing
45:06 - 48:16 P-N Junction diode
48:17 - 20:24 Rectification & its needs
20:25 - 53:22 Type of Rectifier

About your teacher:
Mr. Janaka has a total sailing experience of over 20 Years & a teaching experience of over 17 years.

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