Playing Rubbish? Transform Your Tennis in 5 Minutes Using This System

Описание к видео Playing Rubbish? Transform Your Tennis in 5 Minutes Using This System

Playing Rubbish? Transform Your Tennis in 5 Minutes Using This System
We all have bad tennis days. The days where it seems everything is wrong. Your timing isn't there, your footwork feels slow and heavy, you feel late on everything and you make poor tactical decisions.
On those days, it's very easy to throw in the towel and give up.
But, there are always solutions...
So how can we turn it around on those rubbish days and transform our tennis when we're playing badly?
Around 80% of the time, you'll be playing at a similar level.
Around 10% of the time, you'll be playing great, close to or at your best.
And around 10% of the time, you'll have those bad tennis days.

The first step in fixing it, is understanding that it's normal to have off days and start looking for solutions.

Tracking The Ball
Not watching the ball properly will impact our games negatively even when we're having a normal tennis day. However, when we're playing rubbish, it's even more important to really focus in on the tennis ball and track it with real quality.
This means we're tracking it off the opponent's strings, tracking it as it passes the net, tracking it as it bounces on our side, and of course, tracking the ball onto and off our own strings.
Zone in on the tennis ball, and it will start to seem much bigger than it actually is.

Force Your Footwork
On bad tennis days, our footwork goes out the window. So really work hard with your feet and try to kick yourself into gear by being a more intense player using your footwork to the best of your abilities. This means getting behind the ball, adjusting for bad bounces, and staying light on your feet.

Play The Percentages
When we're playing bad, going for high-risk, low-reward shots, is insanity.
We need all the help we can get, and that means we need the percentages in our favour.
So play high percentage tennis. Take the net out of play by increasing the trajectory of your shots, eliminating those useless net errors. Play mainly crosscourt when you're rallying from the baseline, this is the high-percentage shot. And focus on making ball after ball, which can really help you turn things around on those bad days. After all, who doesn't start to feel the ball better after you groove your strokes over and over again?

Holding your breath is a great way to increase tension in your body, reduce your energy levels and create stiff shots.
Focus on exhaling prior to and during your strike zones, which will help you to stay loose and relaxed with your body.

Video Timeline:
00:00 - We all have rubbish tennis days
01:07 - Track the ball like an eagle
02:50 - Force your footwork
04:54 - Play the percentages
06:34 - Remember to exhale

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