Oxford from the Inside #14: What IS Modern Languages and Linguistics?

Описание к видео Oxford from the Inside #14: What IS Modern Languages and Linguistics?

In this episode, Junaid dives into what Oxford's Modern Languages and Linguistics course is all about, with guest Eve Rooney, 2nd year Spanish and Linguistics student. Listen as we break it down from the balance between literature and language, to the truth about contact hours and reading lists to answering the question of what "linguistics" actually is! Huge thanks to Eve for being on the show, we hope you learn as much as we did! As usual, we're here with the good, the bad, but always the truth.


Modern Languages and Linguistics: https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/under...

MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test): https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/under...


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