My Man Godfrey (1936) CAROLE LOMBARD

Описание к видео My Man Godfrey (1936) CAROLE LOMBARD

Movie Class by PizzaFLIX: Universal's original choice to play Irene was Constance Bennett, but William Powell would only accept the role if Carole Lombard was cast. The film was a runaway hit and earned huge profits for the studio. At the Oscars, it was the first film to be nominated in all four acting categories, plus Screenplay and Direction, but failed to win any awards.

Stars: William Powell, Carole Lombard, Alice Brady
Director: Gregory La Cava
Screenplay: Morrie Ryskind

In this screwball comedy, a harebrained heiress falls madly in love with the homeless man she hires as her butler. A FIVE PEPPERONI PizzaFLIX!

TRIVIA: Lombard made shooting somewhat difficult, because of her habit of inserting four-letter words into her dialogue.


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