[[ENG]] Jannabi Full version Gyeonggi More Music Festival Zara Island June 15 2024

Описание к видео [[ENG]] Jannabi Full version Gyeonggi More Music Festival Zara Island June 15 2024

   • 2024.06.15 경기모아뮤직페스티벌   (This is the highlights provided by Band Jannabi, where you can see the entire performance atmosphere.)
0:00 Tender (Blur, Soundchecking)
1:18 Hongkong (Soundchecking)
3:09 Together
6:19 Baby I need you(사랑하긴 했었나요...)
11:08 Legend (전설)
15:31 Summer(뜨거운 여름밤은 가고...)
18:33 For lovers who hesitate
23:28 Beautiful
26:36 Tell me(꿈나라 별나라)
30:44 Allock dallock(Colorful,알록달록)
33:51 Jungle
38:28 Closing Remark
40:05 What's up( Encore song 1)
48:29 ASTEARSGIBY(Encore song 2.슬픔이여 안녕)

It was truly a perfect performance as it didn't even rain, which had been predicted for a week before.
For Jannabi, the 6-7 p.m. performance is a very rare event, and it was a performance I looked forward to for a long time because I thought it would be possible to take great videos in natural light. But the reality wasn't like that. You will feel it too if you watch the video. I edited about 15% of it .Please understand that sometimes the lip sync is not correct.
I think you'll enjoy the full version, so I'm uploading it first. I think the English subtitles will be finished by tomorrow morning.
And they say Jannabi will be broadcasting live on YouTube at 8pm tomorrow night.
I'll see you all then.

ジャンナビにとって夕方6時-7時の公演は非常に珍しいケースで自然光の中で素敵な映像が撮れるという考えでたくさん待っていた公演でした。 しかし、現実はそうではなかったですね。 皆さんも映像をご覧になれば感じると思います。 15%くらいは編集しました.その過程で口パクがマッチしない場合があります. ご理解をお願いします
皆さんフルバージョンを 楽しんでるようなので、まずはアップします 英語字幕は明日の午前中には終わるのではないかと思います。

1주일전부터 온다고 예고되었던 비조차 내리지 않아, 참으로 완벽한 공연이었습니다
잔나비에 있어 저녁6시-7시 공연은 매우 드문 케이스로 자연광속에서 멋진 영상을 찍을수 있다는 생각에 많이 기다린 공연이었습니다. 하지만 현실은 그렇지 않았네요. 여러분도 영상을 보시면 느끼실거에요. 15%정도는 편집했습니다.그 과정에서 립싱크가 매치되지 않는 경우가 있습니다 이해 주시길...
여러분들이 풀버젼을 즐겨보시는것 같아 우선 올립니다 영어자막은 내일 오전중엔 마무리되지 않을까 생각합니다.
그리고 내일 밤 8시 유투브에서 잔나비카페회원 5만명달성 기념으로 라이브방송을 한다네요
그때 다들 뵙도록 할께요


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