Customer Buying Journey | How to sell more books on Amazon KDP...

Описание к видео Customer Buying Journey | How to sell more books on Amazon KDP...

Want to Sell More Books? Here's the Secret Sauce! 🔑


Okay, folks, I've been hammering this point home – selling books on KDP is NOT just about picking the right niche or stuffing in keywords. There’s a whole lot more in the recipe for success.

Imagine this: You're at a carnival. You see all sorts of booths - games, snacks, rides. What catches your attention? That cotton candy stand. Why? Because you can almost taste the sugary goodness as you watch people enjoying it. That's what you want.

Now, think of your customer as you in that carnival. They’re browsing through tons of books. What makes them pick yours? That’s the golden question. 💭

In this video, we’re gonna dive into the mind of your customer. Picture it like a treasure map – you gotta follow the right path to hit gold, and if you take a wrong turn, well, you’re sunk.

Let’s talk about the customer’s buying journey. Yep, it's like a real journey, where they're the explorers, and your book is the hidden treasure. But here’s the kicker - if they can’t navigate the map, they'll never find your treasure. And trust me, you don't want your book to be like the lost city of Atlantis.

So, put on your explorer hat and join me, Captain Dan, on this epic voyage. We'll uncover the secrets of the customer's buying journey and make sure your book isn't just another fish in the sea.

Watch this video, mates! Let's set sail to book-selling success.


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