Hair Length for Waxing

Описание к видео Hair Length for Waxing

What's the best hair length for waxing? Maybe you are planning to get your first wax but not sure how long your hair needs to be? Don't worry, I can help!

It can be scary to schedule your first wax appointment. The last thing you want to happen is to show up and have your waxer tell you that your hair is too short to wax! Not cool at all.

This has happened so many times to me as a waxer. One time I had a client (when I worked at European Wax Center) who showed up, got undressed and laid down on my table. I got my wax ready, turned around and then noticed that her hair was way too short. It was barely polking out of her skin! I asked her when the last time you shaved was and she said 3 days ago. I had to tell her that her hair wasn’t long enough, unforunately.

Your hair needs to be at least about the length of a grain of rice (1/4th of an inch long) in order for the wax to be able to adhere to the hair and pull it out from the root. Now, is it possible for the hair to be a little shorter and still come out, yes of course. However, the chance of the wax breaking the hair at the surface and not actually removing the hair from the root is highly probable. There’s also a chance that the wax only pulls out some of the hair, but other hair is left behind. This means you’re going to screw up your hair growth cycle because all the hair wasn’t pulled out at once.

Keep in mind, your hair being too long is also not a good thing when getting waxed. When the hair is too long, the wax is going to have a hard time getting to the base of the hair. Think of lava flowing down the side of a volcano. However, all of a sudden there are a bunch of large rocks that are all along the volcano. The lava is going to flow over the rocks, and then keep flowing down the volcano. It’s going to be really hard for the lava to reach in between the rocks and all the crevices with all the rocks in the way. Well, the same goes for wax being spread over your hair and skin. If there’s a bunch of long hair in the way, the wax won’t be able to get down to the root of the hair. This will lead to the hair getting broken, instead of being pulled from the root.

I always say the best time frame to wax is between 3 weeks and 6 weeks. Anything before 3 weeks will risk the hair not being long enough and getting snapped. Anything longer than 6 weeks will put you at risk of the hair also getting snapped and not being able to pull anything from the root.

The wax I use:

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