This Blast-Proof Vehicle Capable of Running Everywhere! Advanced Military Vehicle

Описание к видео This Blast-Proof Vehicle Capable of Running Everywhere! Advanced Military Vehicle

The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) is a joint Army/Marine Corps program to procure the next generation of light tactical vehicles and companion trailers. JLTV program objectives are to improve the mobility and payload of the light tactical vehicle fleet while providing increased survivability through modular protection within the weight constraints of the expeditionary force. The JLTV program minimizes maintenance costs through increased reliability and provides increased fuel efficiency over the current light tactical vehicle. JLTVs are configured to support multiple mission packages, derived from two base vehicle configurations, the four-door Combat Tactical Vehicle and two-door Combat Support Vehicle. The commonality of components, maintenance procedures, and training among all vehicle configurations minimize total ownership costs. #Vehicle #technology #military

The JLTV is capable of operating across a broad spectrum of terrain and weather conditions in order to support joint forces across the full range of military operations. The program is a modernization effort intended to replace a portion of the Army and Marine Corps’ High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) fleet with a family of vehicles designed to exceed the performance characteristics of the armored HMMWV Expanded Capability Vehicle (ECV) in terms of both automotive performance and armored protection. The vehicle design provides the warfighter with increased protection through the use of scalable armor solutions, while restoring payload capabilities lost due to the armoring of the HMMWV fleet. The JLTV increases warfighter maneuver capacity by providing expeditionary mobility on the modern battlefield.

Video Credit:
Cpl. Paul Ochoa
Communication Directorate


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