Time to Make 0.0104 BTC from Bitcoin Grabber Scripts

Описание к видео Time to Make 0.0104 BTC from Bitcoin Grabber Scripts

We are very sorry we took so long before we decided to do video tutorials about our newest bitcoin software called #BitcoinGrabber - Salt Version.

Get the download link here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/bitc... Get the script to generate bitcoin from the same link.

Recommended Wallets
Nube Wallet (desktop) https://mega.nz/folder/gagjSRrC#Kc8-o...
Blockchain (web and app) https://blockchain.com
Luno (web and desktop) https://luno.com
BitPay (app only) https://bitpay.com

NB: Any wallet will work but we strongly recommend the above wallets especially the first one.


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