Obey Me! Other Side || A demon tried to take MC again?! || inspired

Описание к видео Obey Me! Other Side || A demon tried to take MC again?! || inspired

Welcome to the description! Here I will tell you warnings, links, apps, and also a fqna of Neko Jamie and her channel!

🔥Warnings: none
Discord server:
  / discord  
Other Channel: {xXGacha JulieXx}

🔥Stuff I used on making my videos
🔹Capcut (for editing)
🔹Fakechat (for making text stories)
🔹An android phone (Huawei)
🔹My hands 😔

🔥Fast QnA:
Real name: Julie
Age: secret
Sex: Female

🔥Little qna about my channel
🔺When do I post vids:
When I want to or when I have motivation, I also try to post atleast twice a week
🔺Do I accept requests?: Sometimes. If I saw your request and got an idea or a story to go along with it. I'll accept it. If I don't. Then I'm sorry.
🔺What happened to the old requests? Why haven't you made it yet?:
If I haven't done your request it means I might have forgot about it or I'm still finding the story or motivation to make it. I'm sorry if I promised something but I still haven't done it. It's because I'm a student. I have a small amount of time to make videos.

If you make any videos related to me or my channel please use the hasthtag... #NekoJamie

Thank you for reading and enjoy this channel!


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