What causes dark spots in the white part of eyes? - Dr. Elankumaran P

Описание к видео What causes dark spots in the white part of eyes? - Dr. Elankumaran P

Dark spots in the white part of the eyes that is conjunctiva or sclera can be broadly classified into three different types. Number 1 the discolouration that is happening due to external factors. Commonly this happens because of allergy or dry eyes and previously it was referred to as corneus conjunctiva. However yellowishness or certain other dark spots are seen in patients who have chronic dry eye, i.e. dry eye lasting for a long term, in those people who drive two wheelers or who are software engineers. In early stages these are treatable reversible. However if it stays for a long term they become permanent. The second group of dark spots are commonly called as birth defects. Commonest is the nevus which can happen in any part of the body. Just like that it can happen in the conjunctiva of the eye also. Most of the nevus are small and do not increase in size. However if it is increasing in size or causing a cosmetic blemish a simple surgery can be done to remove. There is another set of birth defects which is known as nevus of ota. These are usually multiple dark spots present on the sclera. If this is present then there is a high chance that the patient is suffering from glaucoma. So the point to be noted is even if you notice a small dark spot immediately consult an ophthalmologist. It could be very simple or very dangerous. The third dark spots which occur in the eye which are growing and create irritation and other problems are tumours and need to be removed immediately on an emergency basis. So whatever be the cause do not do self treatment. Approach the nearest ophthalmologist and get the advice accordingly.


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