Freshman CS Project & Presentation | YOLO + Raspberry Pi

Описание к видео Freshman CS Project & Presentation | YOLO + Raspberry Pi

As the Fall '24 semester ends, I talk about the final group computer science project for my freshman year as well the big presentation!

GitHub Code Repo:

0:00 Intro
0:06 Project Formation
0:34 FocusGuard
2:02 Weekly Requirements
2:34 The Big Presentation!
3:14 Reflection

🎵 Credits:

"Ryan Little - Lucy's Song" is under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA 3.0) license:
/ iamryanlittle
Music powered by BreakingCopyright:    • [No Copyright Music] Ryan Little - Lu...  

#studentlife #computerscience #raspberrypi #programming #freshmanadvice #coding #college #collegestudent #python #neuralnetworks #machinelearning


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