Sesame Seed: How to grow and harvest (Ohio, Zone 6)

Описание к видео Sesame Seed: How to grow and harvest (Ohio, Zone 6)

In this video we are sharing our experience in growing Sesame seed in Ohio, US.

About me:
I am a graduate of Kerala Agricultural University with a Bachelors' degree and a PhD holder of Plant Biology from Ohio University. I have been living in the US for about 15 years and have been successfully growing many Tropical plants in this Temperate climate in pots and in-ground. In this video series, I will be sharing my successes and my failures and how I overcame them while growing plants such as Curry leaf plant, Tindora (Ivy gourd or Koval), Amaranthus, ginger, sesame seeds, and even pineapple in Hardiness Zone 6. Stay tuned for more!
   • Betsy's Plants: Introduction  


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