30 - Sinusoidal Voltage and Current | Sinusoids RMS Value and Phasors

Описание к видео 30 - Sinusoidal Voltage and Current | Sinusoids RMS Value and Phasors

30 - Sinusoidal Voltage and Current | Sinusoids RMS Value and Phasors

A sinusoid is a signal that has the form of the sine or the cosine function. A sinusoidal voltage is the one that produces the sinusoidal current unless the circuit is non-linear.
v(t) = Vm sin (wt+φ) or v(t) = Vm cos (wt+φ)
Vm = amplitude (V)
w = angular frequency (rad/s)
wt = argument (rad or degrees)

if V1 = Vm sin (wt) and V2 = Vm sin (wt+φ), then
V2 is said to lead V1 by φ
or V1 lags V2 by φ

if φ = 0, V1 and V2 are in phase,
if φ is not = 0, V1 and V2 are not in phase.

00:00 - Intro to Sinusoidal voltage and current
04:33 - Brief explanation to Phasors
08:53 - Solved Example 1
16:08 - Solved Example 2


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