Treating a right ICA aneurysm using an EVOLVE flow diverter from Stryker

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A 73-year-old female, with balance disturbances and a history of hypertension and hemochromatosis is discovered on MRI to have an unruptured non-thrombosed right ICA aneurysm. From LINNC Paris 2019, join Prof. Jacques Moret and the international expert panel for a “live” case by Prof. Laurent Spelle and the Neuri Paris team as they treat a carotid siphon aneurysm with a small “daughter sac” using a new Stryker EVOLVE flow diverter. Follow every step in the process from looking at the initial angiograms, defining the relationship with the carotids and PCOMs and determining whether the ophthalmic artery is included in the sac or the neck of the aneurysm itself...

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