Reactors Reacting to KING LEONIDAS "THIS IS SPARTA!" | 300 (2006)

Описание к видео Reactors Reacting to KING LEONIDAS "THIS IS SPARTA!" | 300 (2006)

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0:00 Intro
0:03 CinePals    / @cinepals  
1:30 The Homies    / @thehomiesreact  
2:56 The Media Knights    / @officialmediaknights  
4:27 Addie Counts    / @addiecounts  
5:27 TBR Schmitt    / @tbrschmitt  
6:25 SebScreen    / @sebscreen  
7:23 Reelin' with Asia and BJ    / @reelinwithasiaandbj1  
8:39 Rob Squad Movie Reactions    / @robsquadmoviereactions  
9:31 You, Me, & The Movies    / @youmethemovies  
10:11 JUST TRUST ASH    / @justtrustash  
11:46 CineBinge    / @cinebingereact  
12:26 Dawn Marie    / @dawnmariex  
13:19 Blind Wave    / @blindwave  
13:54 Natalie Gold    / @nataliegoldreacts  
A Persian herald arrives at Sparta demanding "earth and water" as a token of submission to King Xerxes. He urges Leonidas to submit and insults Queen Gorgo. In response, Leonidas and the Spartan soldiers throw the herald and his envoy into a bottomless pit.


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