T.D. Jakes Sermons: What to Do When Church Don't Work

Описание к видео T.D. Jakes Sermons: What to Do When Church Don't Work

T.D. Jakes delivers a special message at The Potter’s House of Fort Worth: “What to Do When Church Don’t Work.”

Do you ever feel like you’re living two lives? Do you feel like you live one way on Sunday and another way the rest of the week? It can be frustrating to witness and share the spiritual high of church, then go home and experience a different reality.

T.D. Jakes reveals that he’s experienced this divide in his own life. At one point, his ministry was increasing exponentially, but at home, his family was in turmoil. They suffered the death of his mother, the death of his mother-in-law, and two children in crisis. It was overwhelming.

T.D. Jakes references Mark 9:17-27, the story of the father with the demon-possessed son. He came to Jesus at his wit’s end, overwhelmed, frustrated that nothing was working – not even Jesus’ disciples could help.

T.D. Jakes uses this father’s grief and Jesus’ response as examples of “what to do when church don’t work.” You may feel powerless. You may question your faith. You may blame others. But you’re at the end of your rope, and you just want a way out.

Listen as T.D. Jakes gets to the root of the problem and reveals how you can apply the power of faith to take back your life. Watch “What to Do When Church Don’t Work.”

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#WhatToDoWhenChurchDoesNotWork #HowToApplyFaithToTakeBackYourLife


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