Switch Control: Security, Typing and Shortcuts

Описание к видео Switch Control: Security, Typing and Shortcuts

Switch Control 18

Christopher: Hello YouTube! Today, I would like to take you through some updates to switch Accessibility this year. Firstly…

Alex: There’s a weird guy behind you.

Christopher: Not now, Alex!
Okay, so the main updates have been around typing on macOS and Siri Shortcuts on iOS.

So. The guy now has your credit card.

Christopher: Alex! I don’t need you to speak yet!
I’ve just updated my iPhone to iOS 12 and my Mac to macOS Mojave.
Where’s my MacBook?

The guy took your credit card, and MacBook.

Christopher gives cam evil look

“Earlier that day…” Montage:
1. Switch
2. Switching to macOS dark mode
3. Shoulder
4. Automatic login: Off
5. Switch
6. Accessibility Options: Switch Control
7. Apple Watch
8. Security & Privacy
9. Mac POV
10. Allow Apple Watch to unlock Mac
11. Pull focus from MacBook to iPhone
12. Face ID setup
13. Behind wheelchair
14. Apple Pay setup
1. Front
2. Behind
15. Scanner Menu Device  Pay
16. Christopher looks at camera

1. Stolen MacBook open, Christopher in background
Alex: In macOS Mojave, all accessibility features now work at the login window. To set this up:
One. Open System Preferences.
Two. Click Users & Groups.
Three. Select Login Options.
Four. Click the lock to make changes.
Five. Set Automatic Login to Off.
Click Accessibility Options.
Enable the Accessibility features.
Click Apply.
1. Christopher: He won’t be able to access anything
2. Pushes guy out of the way with wheelchair
3. Guy walks off
4. Turns to the Mac
5. Keyboard
6. Switch
7. Shoulder, as Mac unlocks
8. Christopher: While our guy tries to spend all my money, I’m going to send an email.
9. Alex: macOS Mojave streamlines typing, for Accessibility Keyboard, and Switch Control users. Typing Suggestions are smarter, offering auto-correction and text-replacement. Two new options in System Preferences, allow the Keyboard to help out a lot more with spaces, and, capitalisation.
10. Christopher: So. My Keyboard is now fucking fast.
11. Alex: Did you have to swear? Just because you didn’t include the subtle, doesn’t mean we can’t understand you.
12. Christopher: Let’s go check on our guy.
13. In front of shop: Christopher: Looks like he’s still in there. I’m going to let him marinate for a little while and go home to show you something.
1. Christopher parks at desk
2. iPhone CGI: Unlocks Shortcut menu Work
3. Lights and music
4. Alex: Christopher just turned on his lights and played his “Work” playlist, in no more than 4 switch taps. Here’s how:
1. Open Shortcuts app.
2. Create new shortcut.
3. Add action from the Home app.
4. Add an action to choose a playlist, from the Music app.
5. Add the new action to Siri.
6. In Switch Control Settings, assign “Shortcuts” to your switch.
5. Christopher: I have also made one to turn everything back off. Let’s go back to the shops and see if our guy has figured out what’s going on.
1. In front of shop: Christopher: So, what our guy doesn’t realise is my credit card has doesn’t work.
2. Guy finally comes out, walks up and hands card back.
3. Alex: Christopher uses Apple Pay, on his iPhone, to pay for everything.
4. Guy abruptly steals iPhone off Christopher’s wheelchair and runs back into shop
5. Christopher: He doesn’t know my iPhone needs my face to allow payments…
6. Guy comes back out
7. Christopher: Until next time, this is… Wait. Now there’s two guys?
8. The two guys talk Christopher out of his wheelchair and carry him into shop
9. Christopher: No, no, you still doesn’t get it! My iPhone needs me to look at it! All I need is do close my eyes
10. Audio of things falling over inside the shop

Int. Self Serve check out

1. Christopher and father at a check out, buying beanies
2. iPhone CGI: Christopher using Apple Pay
4. Christopher: Yep!


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