Ultima V (HQ Remake) - Stones (2020 Remake)

Описание к видео Ultima V (HQ Remake) - Stones (2020 Remake)

If you would like to commission a remake or original piece of your own, please email me (address in the About section, use desktop mode). All proceeds will further my efforts to restore old video game soundtracks for all gamerkind.

This is my symphonic remake of the Ultima V : Warriors of Destiny soundtrack. Defeat Lord Blackthorn and rescue Lord British in a world run amok this early CRPG that combined first person dungeon crawling with third person turn based combat in an open world. This game is definitely a gem in the series, and it further lays the foundation, the musical formula that would become the definitive style of the Ultima series. Unfortunately, if you were like most people with a Commodore 64, there were only sound effects, with this soundtrack being available only on the Commodore 128, which is a shame. Being ever one who seeks to right the injustices of the past and bring light to dark places of memory, here it is in all its glory with a fresh coat of paint.

Tell us your favorite memory of this game. You can help support my efforts to remake old video game soundtracks by commenting, liking, subscribing, sharing, and commissioning remakes of your own. As always, thank you for listening. I hope I was able to give you back a great memory.

The Lyrics to Stones (by Kathleen Jones):

Long ago ran the sun on a folk who had a dream
And the heart and the will and the power:
They moved earth; they carved stone; moulded hill and channeled stream
That we might stand on the wide plains of Wiltshire.

Now men asked who they were, how they built and wonder why
That they wrought standing stones of such size.
What was done 'neath our shade? What was pray'ed 'neath our skies
As we stood on the wyrd plains of Wiltshire.

Oh what secrets we could tell if you'd listen and be still.
Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts.
But you haven't got the clue and perhaps you never will.
Mute we stand on the cold plains of Wiltshire.

Still we loom in the mists as the ages roll away
And we say of our folk, "they are here!"
That they built us and they died and you'll not be knowing why
Save we stand on the bare plains of Wiltshire.

Original score by David Watson ©1988
This version is copyright Pieces of 8-bit ©2020
Where applicable, All Rights Reserved


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