DFTA 92 Dark Tower 1981

Описание к видео DFTA 92 Dark Tower 1981

Hey gang, I'm back with a look at a truly astonishing game, Dark Tower from Milton Bradley. When this game hit the scene in 1981 there really was nothing like it, and 40+ later... it's still a marvel of ingenuity, though a game with a very scandalous and sordid past... I hope you enjoy the review.

It's been a long time coming this review and for a number of reasons. First, Dark Tower...how to put this....Dark Tower is a particular sod of a game to film, to get across just how this game plays. I've played it extensively since restoring the game to working order and have experienced things in the game that you think "oh, that's definitely going in the review!" but...the tower has different plans when the camera is actually rolling, with it having an electronic mind of its own it would never quite perform how I wanted it to when the camera was trained on it. That meant filming A LOT more footage than normal for a review... and having to carefully comb through and categorise the clips...exhausting.

Added onto that, my primary drive, the drive that I use for editing on, having all my pre render files, meta data decided to die on me halfway through the edit. Annoyingly, because all the files are mimic linked to the timeline, they were showing but as ghosts to the clips that were there. In so much, I had to re do the edit all over with my back up drive (remember folks, back up twice!) and actually, it's better for it, a lot more tightly paced and fun! It's took a few weeks for my back up to rebuild the files, as I keep rushes for all episodes I've filmed just in case I need them again. All a learning experience and one I'd not like to repeat

A few links for those interested in Dark Tower.

https://well-of-souls.com/tower/ is a fantastic resource and has some very insightful interviews with Bob Pepper the artist for the game and also outlines the history of the Dark Tower scandal. Well worth a read

https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/... and here's the actual court case with Burton vs MB games.

Take it easy and keep on gaming,



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