Verdi - Nabucco Opera / Va, Pensiero, Choeur des Esclaves + Synopsis (Cent. record. : Riccardo Muti)

Описание к видео Verdi - Nabucco Opera / Va, Pensiero, Choeur des Esclaves + Synopsis (Cent. record. : Riccardo Muti)

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (1813-1901) - Nabucco : Opéra in Quattro Parti.
Introduction with the Famous "Va, Pensiero, Sull'Alo Dorate" (00:00)
Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (00:00-00:50)
Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (05:13-07:22)
Sinfonia (05:13) Gli Arredi Festivi Gi Cadano Infranti (12:23)
Sperate, O Figli! (17:20) D'Egitto Là Sui Lidi (18:53)
Come Notte A Sol Fulgente (23:01) Fenena!.. O Mia Diletta! (26:00)
Lo T'Amava! Una Furia È Quest'Amore (29:35)
Lo Vedeste_ Fulminando Egli Irrompe Nella Folta! (33:58)
Viva Nabucco! (35:15) Che Tenti_ Oh Trema, Insano! (37:19)
Tremin Gl'Insani Del Mio Furore! (38:33)
O Vinti, Il Capo A Terra! (42:08) Mio Furor, Non Più Costretto (43:08)
Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (45:50-47:49)
Ben Io T'Invenni, O Fatal Scritto! (45:50)
Anch'Io Dischiuso Un Giorno (49:44)
Chi S'Avanza (53:27) Veni, O Levita! Il Santo Codice Reca! (57:34)
Tu Sul Labbro De' Veggenti Fulminasti, O Sommo Iddio! (1:00:17)
Che Si Vuol (1:03:27) Il Maledetto Non Ha Fratelli (1:04:24)
Deh, Fratelli, Perdonate (1:06:03)
Sapressan Gl'Istanti D'Un'Ira Fatale (1:08:00)
S'Oda Or Me! (1:11:03) Chi I Toglie Il Regio Scettro (1:13:44)
Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (1:16:28-1:17:54)
E L'Assiria Una Regina (1:16:28)
Eccelsa Donna, Che D'Assiria Il Fato Reggi (1:19:52)
Donna, Chi Sei (1:22:53) Va, Pensiero, Sull'Alo Dorate (1:34:00)
O, Chi Piange (1:39:12) Del Futuro Nel Buio Discerno (1:40:02)
Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation (1:42:59-1:44:50)
Son Pur Queste Mie Membra! (1:42:59)
Dio Di Giuda!...L'Ara, Il Trempio A Te Sacro, Sorgeranno (1:48:05)
Porta Fatal, Oh, T'Aprirai (1:51:06)
Cadran, Cadranno I Perfidi Come Locuste Al Suolo! (1:51:59)
Marcia Funebre (1:53:59) Va La Palma Del Martirio (1:56:23)
O Dischiuso Il Firmamento! (1:57:11) Viva Nabucco! (1:59:30)
Ah, Torna Israello (2:00:09) Oh, Chi Vegg'Io (2:04:00)
Su Me...Morente...Esanime...Discenda Il Tuo Perdono! (2:04:53)
Nabucco : Matteo Manuguerra / baritono
Ismaele : Veriano Luchetti / tenore
Zaccaria : Nicolai Ghiaurov / basso
Abigaille : Renato Scotto / soprano
Fenena : Elena Obraztsova / mezzosoprano
Gran Sacerdote : Robert Lloyd / basso
Abdallo : Kenneth Collins / tenore
Anna : Anne Edwards / soprano
Ambrosian Opera Chorus
Chorus Master : John McCarthy
Philharmonia Orchestra
Conductor : Riccardo Muti
Recorded in 1978
New Mastering in 2020 by AB for CMRR
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Ah, the Nabucco choir! It's become a hit on the charts. But the extraordinary thing is that it was a hit right from the start, right from the time of Verdi. It's a lesson: Verdi knew how to find the popular fibre, by going to the essential - to the heart. But Nabucco cannot be reduced to the chorus of the third part: it is also a founding work in Verdi's style. As he himself said, forty years after its creation: "My career really began with Nabucco. »
This style of a twenty-nine year old Verdi, Riccardo Muti has the exact pulse of it. Just listen to his Ouverture, taken at a hellish tempo, with this suffocating acceleration that seems to burst the sound space, not by pushing, magnifying, but by electrifying the orchestral material! The success of this Nabucco is first and foremost due to him. The cast has beautiful individualities (Luchetti, Obraztsova), with the fascinating but hard work of Renata Scotto. The unquestionable is the chorus, totally committed, and the orchestra set ablaze by a Muti who breathes this music like a wild beast breathes its prey. You won't find a more orchestral, more breathless Nabucco!
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