WEB NOTES: Dollar Bills Worth a TON of Money in Your Wallet

Описание к видео WEB NOTES: Dollar Bills Worth a TON of Money in Your Wallet

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In this video on Web Notes:
The BEP's experimental web-fed press was used from 1992 to 1996 to print $1 notes in Series 1988A, 1993, and 1995. This press was intended to speed production by printing both sides of the notes in a single pass, on a continuous roll or "web" of paper rather than the 32-note sheets used by the standard presses. But the notes printed on the web press were sometimes of rather poor quality, and the press itself was unreliable and broke down too often, so the experiment was declared a failure.

The $1 notes printed on the web press can be identified by several differences in detail. On an ordinary note from a sheet-fed press, the back plate number will be located at the lower right corner of the central white space; the face plate number will be preceded by one or more letters; and a position indicator will appear near the upper left of the face of the note. On a web note, the back plate number will be located just to the right of TRUST; the face plate number will appear alone, with no preceding letters; and the position indicator will be absent. The scans below illustrate these differences.



Remember... Always check your bills!

Serial numbers, miscuts, web notes, variety bills, and errors of all kinds can make their way into your pocket or wallet. These can be worth hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars!

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