Alon Gat - how he survived the 7th October - EN

Описание к видео Alon Gat - how he survived the 7th October - EN


Carmel Gat, the sister of Alon Gat, was brutally murdered while being held hostage by the Palestinian terrorists. She was one of the six hostages recovered dead by the IDF from a 20-meter-deep tunnel near Rafah on Saturday (August 31, 2024).
In this difficult hour we send our deepest sympathy to Alon Gat and his family. We cannot imagine what they are going through to this day.
Especially in this dramatic time for the Jewish people, we also want to express our full and unwavering support and our unconditional solidarity to Alon Gat and his family, to Israel and the Jewish people.

About this film:
On October 7th, 2023, southern Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists from Gaza. They cause carnage and leave a trail of destruction in their wake. One person who experienced the terror attack and survived is Alon Gat. He and his family are kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists on this tragic morning.

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