How To Write A Dope Rap Song In 12 Mins. Or Less (Step-By-Step)

Описание к видео How To Write A Dope Rap Song In 12 Mins. Or Less (Step-By-Step)

In today’s article, we’re going to show you the exact method on how to write a dope rap song, step-by-step. 

If you read this all the way through the end, you’ll know exactly what steps you need to write a dope rap song, including: 

* Whether to start with the chorus or not 
* When to “switch your rap flow” in the verse
* How to use mixing and vocal tone to make the song more fire
…And much more. 


The Top 20 Songwriting Secrets of Full-Time Rappers (FREE RAP SONGWRITING COURSE):


As the YouTube’s most subscribed and first full-time professional rap coaching company, we polled our audience the other day and found that almost half of all viewers would like more information on how to write a dope rap song…

…So we’re delivering this step-by-step guide with confidence that the rap tips and live song examples in this easy to follow guide will lead you in the write direction if your main goal is to learn how to write a dope rap song, step-by-step. So let’s get into it. 


0:00 Introduction
0:50 Step #1 Listen To The Beat and Decide Chorus Placement
1:39 How To Write A Dope Rap Song Example #1
2:34 Step #2 Write A Memorable Chorus
2:51 “Core Concept”
3:20 Simple Phrasing
3:54 Repetition
4:26 Free Rap Songwriting Course
4:48 Step #3 Decide On A “Starting Flow” For Verse 1
5:15 How To Write A Dope Rap Song Example #2
6:07 Free Rap Flow Training
6:18 Step #4 Complete Verse 1 
6:35 How To Write A Dope Rap Song Example #3
7:04 Step #5 Choose An “Opposite Flow” For Verse 2 
7:25 How To Write A Dope Rap Song Example #4
8:19 Step #6 Crush The “Verse 2 Blues”
8:58 Record What You Have Written
9:14 Insert A Bridge 
9:38 Free J. Cole Songwriting Course
9:52 Re-Order The Beat
10:51 Comment and Get Your Free Courses



Step #1 Listen To The Beat and Decide Chorus Placement

The first step is to listen to the beat and identify where you’d like to place the chorus. 
The chorus is the “creative centerpiece” of the song. 

With this in mind, the producer is likely to program the chorus to a specific place in the instrumental in order to contribute to the rapper’s ability to create a memorable and exciting feeling for the audience in this crucial section of the track. 

In order to do that, the producer may add instruments such as horns, strings, or additional drums to help indicate to both the rapper and the audience that this is the “catchy part”. 

In the case of the example we’ll be using throughout this article, I decided to start the song with the chorus, since the beat has a very short intro with no drums, and then an emphatic “beat drop” the leads us into the main beat itself: 

Waiting for my future like the number 9 
Lockdown leading through the summer time 
Whole team hustle how we come alive
Whole team hustle – what would you do?
Lockdown showing up to bruise you 
Lockdown holding up the true you
Lockdown hustle or they’ll use you
What would you do? 

“Lockdown Hustle” Chorus

Notice how beginning the chorus the minute that beat drops after a quick intro, the listener is instantly transported into the universe the rapper is creating for them. 
The producer helped guide me as a writer to make this creative decision by dropping the drums immediately at the beginning, however as we’ll see in step #2… the pressure is now on me (and thus you) to write a memorable chorus.

Step #2 Write A Memorable Chorus

Now that you’ve read the chorus, let’s look at three main areas that a “memorable chorus”, also known as a “hook” in the industry often needs to be considered memorable: 

* “Core Concept”
* Simple Phrasing
* Repetition 

Core Concept

First, let’s look at the “Core Concept”. That’s the main topic, subject matter, or idea of the song. 

In the case of our example, entitled “Lockdown Hustle”, you can see by lyrics such as “lockdown leading through the summer time” and “lockdown hustle or they’ll use you” that the core concept has something to do with what you can do during lockdown (this song was written in summer 2020). 

By repeatedly using keywords such as “lockdown”, “hustle”, and “summer”, I’m subtly indicating to the audience that the core concept of the song is around working hard during the times you’re in lockdown. 



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