Mythical Family - Alien The Roleplaying Game by Fria Ligan (Free League) Game Series Introduction

Описание к видео Mythical Family - Alien The Roleplaying Game by Fria Ligan (Free League) Game Series Introduction

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Here to introduce the videos from a recorded gaming session where we try out the newest version of a tabletop roleplaying game set in the Aliens sci-fi horror setting: Alien by Fria Ligan, or Free League Publishing. My friends over at Legendary Action Official kindly offered to host the game in their studio and record it to be shared.

In this intro video I go over the game, the rules, and the experience of running it on camera for my friends. The actual footage from the game will be in the videos that follow, and broken into episodes to make the long gaming session easier to watch in sections.

Shout outs to:
Legendary Action Official:
--Youtube:    / @legendaryaction  
--Twitch:   / legendaryactionofficial  

Fria Ligan / Free League Publishing:
--Youtube:    / @freeleaguepublishing  

And to my most lovely lady for her time and patience to edit all of this for me, as I don't know how to handle that part yet. Love ya, sweetie! :)

Thank you so much for watching! Tell us what you want to see more of in the comments below.

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Mythical Family ™
Like Family, but Legendary ™


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