Moody Octillery Sweep

Описание к видео Moody Octillery Sweep

Octillery @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Moody
Nature: neutral
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
- Protect
- Rest
- Bounce
- Scald

Overview: The main idea for this strategy is to stall out as many turns as possible for Moody boosts. Protect, Rest+Chesto Berry, and Bounce grant free turns plus scouting, recovery, and damage/chance for paralysis, respectively. Scald offers STAB damage and a chance for burn. Max HP and Special Defense EVs coushion the most common super-effective Grass and Electric attacks. Bold or Calm nature could be used instead of neutral to add extra bulk at the expense of Bounce damage.

Counters: Super-effective physical attacks could OHKO Octollery; Taunt prevents use of protect and rest; stat swapping moves (Power Swap, Psych Up, etc.); bad RNG (defense and accuracy drops from Moody, mainly); Critical-Hits; Haze.

Competitive Use: Moody is banned in most Smogon tiers, but not in VGC or Battle Spot. This set works well as a late-game stall after major threats have been removed from the opponents team, or as a last resort. Chesto-Rest should be used early if needed to prevent being KO'ed, along with accumulating Moody boosts. Using protect after every other move is predictable, so Scald can be used as a counter-read. Being heavily RNG dependent, unreliability is a factor which must be considered if you intend to use this set competitively.

Music: 5th Symphony first movement by Ludwig Van Beethoven


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